Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Arriving in Ethiopia and on to Yetebon.

A blog post written by the Turtles - Karis, Clara, Maddie and Cal

The flight from Dubai to Addis Ababa was about four hours.  But those four hours went by super fast, because we watched cheesy love stories with an eleven year old boy;). (fun right!?).  Once we arrived in Addis, the nightmare began...customs.  For those of you who have never experienced going through customs, it is similar to playing a combination of varsity soccer and wrestling. Your luggage is the ball and the door is the goal.  That pretty much explains it.  Next, we were informed that we would be driving 45 minutes to the Hilton to rest and get drinks as a team.  The Hilton was beyond beautiful.  It had incredible trees, plants and an amazing playground:).  Once everyone was refreshed and ready to continue our journey to Project Mercy, we set off on our three hour bus ride to Yetebon.  When we say three hours, what we really mean is six hours.  Six hours in the back of the van passing time by singing 80's songs (and The Greatest Showman of course), piling on the floor to sleep, playing memory games and hanging up side down.  This wild but amazing day was one to remember!!!

Refreshing drinks at the Hilton meeting the Ethiopian Team.  

The bus ride to Yetebon.

Ethiopia has great coffee.

Getting some sleep.

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